Contact Darren

For all of your replica transportation needs, Contact Darren:

Whatsapp: + 86 19908465532

Wechat: ch686668889

Guangzhou, China

Trusted Freight Forwarder of r/RepForwarding

WeGobuy/CssBuy/SugarGoo/Any Agent or Taobao/Weidian/1688, fill in my address.

My warehouse address (Chinese): 广东省,佛山市,南海区,大沥镇,南海黄岐沙溪沿江东路十三巷1号二楼,达伦仓库

My warehouse address (English): Darren warehouse on the second floor, No.1, 13th Lane, Yanjiang East Road, Shaxi, Huang Qi, Nanhai, dali town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Postal code: 528000

city: Foshan


Contact: 达伦-(Please enter the recipient's Chinese name)

Contact number:17779411755

After you deliver the goods, be sure to tell me the tracking number so that I can find your package conveniently.